Werewolves in Ancient Rome! PURCHASE COMIC HERE!
Alterna Comics and Sword & Planet Studios have premiered the first of the four issue Roman epic, Empire of the Wolf, on comiXology!
Former Marvel Comics’ editor-in-chief and longtime Conan the Barbarian writer Roy Thomas has given it high praise: “Writer/creator Michael Kogge and artist Dan Parsons have mingled fantasy and history in a way that would do Robert E. Howard proud! I can’t wait to see the second issue!”
The four issue series was created and written by Michael Kogge, with art by Dan Parsons (Game of Thrones and Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi) and David Rabbitte (Star Wars Insider), coloring by Chris Summers (Spartacus: Blood & Sand) and David Rabbitte, and lettering by Marshall Dillion (Street Fighter, Game of Thrones, and Green Hornet).