EMPIRE OF THE WOLF at San Diego Comic Con!

Comic-Con International 2014, July 24-27, San Diego Convention Center

Drop by San Diego Comic Con this weekend (July 24-27, 2014) at the San Diego Convention Center, where artist Dan ParsonsDavid Rabbitte, and writer Michael Kogge will be premiering all issues of Empire of the Wolf, the original epic comic series about werewolves in ancient Rome, produced by Sword & Planet and published by Alterna Comics.

You can find the issues for the limited print run at three places:1) World Famous Comics booth 5560, 2) Dan Parsons’s artist alley booth BB-02, and 3) David Rabbitte’s artist alley booth II-18.

Come by and get your comics signed!

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WonderCon Anaheim 2014, April 18–20, Anaheim Convention Center

Drop by WonderCon this weekend (April 18-20) at the Anaheim Convention Center, where writer Michael Kogge and artist Dan Parsons will be premiering all issues of Empire of the Wolf, the original comic series set in ancient Rome, produced by Sword & Planet and published by Alterna Comics.

They will be at the Alterna Comics small press booth SP-89 signing copies of a limited print edition of issue #1-4. See you there!

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The epic conclusion to EMPIRE OF THE WOLF now on comiXology!

41 pgs, full color, $2.99, available in digital
script: Michael Kogge, pencils and colors: David Rabbitte, letters: Marshall Dillon, cover art: Dan Parsons.


The epic series that’s been compared to the works of Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian) concludes…

Canisius descends into the underworld to demand that Pluto, the god of the dead, tell him how he can rid himself of his lupine curse. But there Canisius also learns that Lucius plans to give Lavinia the same curse. Reliving the legend of Romulus and Remus, Canisius must confront his former brother-in-arms and save both the city and the woman he loves.

Get this and the initial three issues of Empire of the Wolf now at comiXology!

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EMPIRE OF THE WOLF issue #3 now on comiXology!

29 pgs, full color, $1.99, available in digital
script: Michael Kogge, pencils: David Rabbitte, colors: Chris Summers, letters: Marshall Dillon, cover art: Dan Parsons.

The epic series that’s been compared to the works of Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian) continues…

The Druid Ambrosia tells Canisius the story of Romulus and Remus, whose curse he now bears as king of the Britons.

Meanwhile, Lucius executes his plan to become Roman Emperor and take the lovely Lavinia as his bride!

Get this and the first two issues of Empire of the Wolf now at comiXology!

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EMPIRE OF THE WOLF issue #2 now on comiXology!

29 pgs, full color, $1.99, available in digital
script: Michael Kogge, pencils and cover: Dan Parsons, colors: Chris Summers, letters: Marshall Dillon

The epic series that’s been compared to the works of Robert E. Howard (Conan the Barbarian) continues…

While the centurion Canisius squares off alone against the Celtic wolf-king, his wounded comrade Lucius flees back to the Roman camp, discovering the bite on the arm is no ordinary bite—it is the curse of Remus. And one Druid among the Celts seeks to end this curse for good.

Get your copy now at comiXology!

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EMPIRE OF THE WOLF — Garnering Great Reviews!

Speak Geeky To Me

Speak Geeky to Me‘s Mathias Lewis has given Empire of the Wolf issue #1 a stellar review. Here’s just a sample:

“Empire of the Wolf is an amazing comic, both in story and art…[and] quite historically accurate. The depiction of Roman soldiers & military items are often spot on with current historical understanding and many of the written facts subtly hidden in the dialogue & captions could serve as a great Roman history lesson. It is the very ideal of what one looks for in historical fiction. Even one of the last bits of issue #1’s dialogue tragically predicts an event in Roman history that those familiar with will cringe at, knowing it unfolds in July of 64. Kogge masterfully crafts his tale around historical events, and builds upon the epic period by referencing them and even noting classical historians like Suetonius and Tacitus. Just this setting alone builds the tale up, yet the fictional end is something even more amazing.”

And as for his impression of the Dan Parsons’ art and David Rabbitte’s colors:

“Excuse me for being a bit like Kanye West, comparing 300 to something Roman, but Empire of the Wolf makes 300 look like drek. Narratively I can make a few comparisons to Frank Miller’s Greek graphic novel, especially with the opening involving the wolf, but if you were a fan of that comic you’ll quickly toss it aside when reading through Empire and absorbing the breathtaking battle scenes Parsons has penciled out.”

He even notices the great attention Marshall Dillon paid to the lettering!

Marshall Dillon does a magnificent job on the comics lettering, avoiding the clichés of Comic Sans and going with a much rawer font for dialogue, that truly pops in bold words. I can’t be certain, as it is a rarity in this day and age of comics, but the dialogue almost looks hand lettered.

Check out the review at speakgeekytome.com/2013/12/empire-of-the-wolf-1-indie-review. You can find issue #1 on comiXology here!

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EMPIRE OF THE WOLF issue #1 now on comiXology!

Werewolves in Ancient Rome! PURCHASE COMIC HERE!

Alterna Comics and Sword & Planet Studios have premiered the first of the four issue Roman epic, Empire of the Wolf, on comiXology!


Former Marvel Comics’ editor-in-chief and longtime Conan the Barbarian writer Roy Thomas has given it high praise: “Writer/creator Michael Kogge and artist Dan Parsons have mingled fantasy and history in a way that would do Robert E. Howard proud!  I can’t wait to see the second issue!”

The four issue series was created and written by Michael Kogge, with art by Dan Parsons (Game of Thrones and Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi) and David Rabbitte (Star Wars Insider), coloring by Chris Summers (Spartacus: Blood & Sand) and David Rabbitte, and lettering by Marshall Dillion (Street FighterGame of Thrones, and Green Hornet).

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EMPIRE OF THE WOLF Premieres at Long Beach Comic Con!

Drop by the Long Beach Comic Con on November 23-24, where writer Michael Kogge and artist Dan Parsons will be premiering issue #1 of Empire of the Wolf, an original comic series set in ancient Rome, produced by Sword & Planet and published by Alterna Comics.

They will be at booth #2006 in the Artists’ Alley both days signing copies.

They also will present a panel on Sunday, November 24 at 4pm in Room 102C of the Long Beach Convention Center on Empire. Check out the LBCC’s programming schedule.

They’d love to see you there and will have a limited print edition of issue #1 available, before it is released on December 4, 2013. Get yours early!

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